Opening Promotion

Package A

“慢性疲劳” 调理配套

“Chronic Fatigue Syndrome” Conditioning Package

  • 把脉问诊 Pulse Diagnosis
    We provide one-on-one professional physician consultation to analyse your physical condition through pulse diagnosis.
  • 中医艾灸 Moxibustion
    对于慢性疲劳综合征,治疗上需要调补气血,艾灸是最适合 “解除疲劳” 的保健方法之一,在特定的穴位进行手法艾灸,可帮助温阳补气、提神补精及祛湿散寒。最适合整天待在空调房里办公室白领一族。
    Moxibustion is one of the most suitable treatment methods for “relieving fatigue”. Moxibustion at specific acupuncture points can help warm the Yang and replenish the Qi, also to dispel dampness and cold. It is suitable for the office white-collar workers who stay in the air-conditioned room all day.
  • 中医拔罐 Cupping treatment
    Through cupping treatment at certain acupoints, it helps to accelerate the circulation of blood around the body, promote and enhance the body’s positive energy, eliminate fatigue, and relieve the symptoms of aching joints in the body.

How To Purchase?

Step 1:

点击购买 Click the Buy Now button

Step 2:

填写个人资料 Fill in Personal Details
填写个人资料,例如全名,电话号码,电子邮件。请确认您填入的资料无误。 Enter your details, such as your Full Name, Phone Number, and Email address. Please ensure you have entered your details correctly.

Step 3:

选择付款方式 Select Payment Method

您可选择,使用信用卡或扣账卡、线上付款或电子钱包付款。 最后,提交付款。
Select the payment method you prefer, either with Credit or Debit Card, Online Banking, or E-Wallet. Lastly, Submit the Payment.

* 您将通过电子邮件收到收据,您在使用此配套时需出示此收据。
* You will receive a transaction receipt via email, you may be required to present it upon redemption.

Terms and Conditions

  • 优惠配套数量有限,先到先得。
    Limited promotion available, first come first served.
  • 每人最多可购买3个配套,若超出购买限额,将无法使用。
    Maximum 3 packages per customer, purchases exceeding these limits are subject to cancellation.
  • 此配套的有效期为2022年5月12日至2022年8月11日。
    Validity of this package is from 12th May 2022 until 11th August 2022.
  • 使用配套时需出示收据或交易证明。
    The receipt or proof of transaction needs to be presented upon redemption.
  • 此配套只适用于同心堂Taman Tasik Permaisuri分行。
    This Opening Promotion is ONLY applicable at Taman Tasik Permaisuri Branch.
  • 此配套的金额不可退款或兑换成现金。
    The amount of this Opening Promotion is NOT refundable or exchangeable for cash.
  • 任何在有效期内未使用的配套将被视为无效。
    Any unutilized Opening Promotion before the validity date will be forfeited.
  • 请从2022年5月12日起联系同心堂Taman Tasik Permaisuri分院,进行预约。
    Strictly appointment based, please contact Tong Xin Tang Taman Tasik Permaisuri Branch from 12th May 2022 onwards, for appointment.
  • 配套中的治疗项目不可更改。
    The treatment items in the Opening Promotion are fixed, and are not subject to change.
  • 该配套的优惠券只能在下次消费时使用。
    The Voucher from this Opening Promotion can only be used on their next purchase.
  • 同心堂保留更改条款和条件的权利,恕不另行通知。
    TXT reserves the right to vary the Terms and Conditions without prior notice.
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